Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dr. Vandana Shiva Visits

Dr. Vandana Shiva from India visited Philadelphia on July 14 to speak at a program hosted by the Academy of Natural Sciences. Dr. Shiva spoke of the significant changes in agriculture brought on by genetically modified seeds. She encouraged Gardens of Hope and Seed Saving Sanctuaries. Her center in India, called Nav- danya, is a program of the Research Foundation for sci- ence, technology and ecology, a participatory research initiative she founded. In 1984 the violence of the Punjab and the Bhopal tragedy demanded a paradigm shift in the practice of agriculture. Navdanya was born of the search for non-violent farming, which protects biodiver- sity, Earth, and small farmers. Navdanya fights against patents on seeds and plants and stands for seed sover- eignty, people's right to food and water security.