"Progress...the lifestyle of the developed world... is not only killing us, it's killing every living species on this planet and harming the planet itself in ways that have never happened before in human history" -Thomas Berry
In the time period of 2003 to 2004, the Cecilian Center for Earth, Arts, and Spirit accomplished much:
- The Committee hosted a lecture series called At Home in the Universe with Dom Roberti, Ph.D., Susan Curry, and Al Lamberti, Ph.D.
- The Committee raised $17,300 in grants.
- Ginny Christiansen organized a Resource Library.
- The Sustainability Alliance began housing their resource library in the center.
- Music classes were offered for children, teens, and adults.
- Through MALT art an composting classes were offered.
- A survey and interviews were performed with community organizations.
Between 2004-2005, Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark was hired as the full time director.
- Over one-hundred interviews were done with leaders in Mt. Airy.
- Renovations on the Cecilian Center continued.
- A logo, brochure, and letterhead was created by the Mt. St. Joseph Academy Graphic Arts Class.
- Dom Roberti donated brochure production services.
The First Earth Day Celebration:
- Kim and Reggie Harris performed
- Earth pictures raised in entry
- Procession and Dancers
- Sr. Pat Kelly and Sr. Dot Urban offered dedication prayer and blessing
- Tom Dougherty from Fairmount Park spoke
- PECO lights announced the event
In 2005 to 2006 many important steps were taken with the Cecilian Center:
- A treaty was signed with the Lenape Nation.
- The Mt. Airy Learning Tree (MALT)'s financial arrangement was altered.
- The introduction of the Act 48 course occurred.
- A pilot summer program ran.
- Physical plant improves continued with the donation of materials.
- Began Community Supported Agriculture (C.S.A) relationship with three community summer suppers each year. And 12-15 shareholders picked up shares at CCEAS. The C.S.A. Included the follow Farms:
- Vollmecke Farm (2005)
- Somerton Tanks Farm (2006)
- Amish Farmer (2007)
- Began "Step Away for A Day" pilot program with grant from the SSJ Fund For Those Who are Materially Poor.
From 2006 to 2007 the Cecilian Center Experienced the following:
- A Grant came from Conrad Hilton to expand the "Step Away for A Day" program.
- An Earth Day collaboration occurred with Norwood-Fontbonne, Wissahickon and Khephera Charter schools.
- Mary's Vineyard donated $16,000 to the Center.
- Started a fabric arts studio to work with recycled materials.
- And an expansion of the support staff occurred.
In 2007-2008 many committees formed including the Advisory Committee and Mission Advancement Committee. Also several other things occurred:
- An evaluation and renegotiation with the MALT arrangement happened.
- The first large fundraising planning effort for Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ occured.
- An organic garden was started.
- Delegations began with the growing number of projects to staff and volunteers.
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