Monday, December 19, 2016

Catholic Climate Covenant Request

We are living in uncertain and troubling times. President-elect Trump has stated his intent to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, an agreement supported by Pope Francis and the result of over a decade of negotiations by global leaders.  He has also questioned the veracity of climate change and climate science. Last week, he nominated Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt who questions the climate science consensus and was among the first attorneys general to sue the EPA to stop the Clean Power Plan, a national carbon pollution standard supported by the U.S. bishops.

As Catholics, we recognize our responsibility to advocate on behalf of creation and the poor. Our advocacy is now more important than ever. Please join us in reaching our goal to deliver a petition signed by thousands of Catholics calling on President Trump to honor the Paris Agreement, the Green Climate Fund, and the Clean Power Plan!

We need you to add your voice and we need your help to reach others!                                          
The petition calls upon our next president to honor our international commitments and to act to solve the climate crisis. We plan to deliver the petition to the President shortly after the inauguration on January 20th. 

Please distribute the petition widely. Share the electronic link with friends and family, on social media, and in your parish bulletin. Use the paper version to collect signatures after Mass or during other church or school events. For more ideas about how to promote the petition download our toolkit.

Please sign and then distribute the petition widely!

We thank you for your support and solidarity. Together we will ensure that the Catholic voice is heard and that our common home and the poor are protected. Consider making a donation today to support this and all our climate advocacy efforts in 2017. Together we will make a difference!
Catholic Climate Covenant

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